Work under Lockdown

Work under Lockdown

One morning a few weeks ago, the work-from-home notification from HR delivered in my mailbox as expected. Such a grace meant a lot to me as the contagious villain already out in our streets and offices in the United Arab Emirates(UAE) after many days of ambush attacks in Chinese soil. 

Coming here on tourist visa arrangement, COVID-19 from Corona house as passport address page says, nobody ever expected he robs news headlines in such a short time. Maybe you would argue on gender or even say gender-less. Up to me, the COVID is more boyish as he is hanging out in parks, lifts, and almost every public places and annoy everybody like a street rowdy.

In the street

By the time COVID settled down in our land, hitting the street had turned to an adventurous game. Everyone you meet or walk past transformed to risk-averse ‘social distancers.’ And all seem to rush to the safest place on earth – Own room that they think corona-free. 

When corona rises in the city, a particular intolerance was also taking shape in society: Intolerance to sneezing. Unless covered with a face mask, a single cough could bring unwanted attention, and at times people around apprehend you for being irresponsible.

At home

Back in-home, which is my office from tomorrow, the situation wasn’t so different than outside. A sneeze or even a kiss on my son’s chubby cheeks annoyed better half, especially if I’ve travel history outside the home like a grocery visit. Even though I stripped off the clothes for wash and soaks myself in bath soap after such visits, wary eyes follow still as though I owe a few washing machine spins as well.

Alas! How would you expect a normal life for the rest of the day when the day itself starts by removing the newspaper daily from the plastic bag as though releasing a snake from a sack.

Work from home

Anyhow, I started my work determined to break any taboos around it doing from home. But, working from the dining table glued to a laptop comes with a hefty price. No sooner did I sit comfortably on the chair than stare looks from behind as though inspecting what I’m doing. Coincidentally or not, it reminded of stealthy skeptical manager who suddenly appears on your back eyeing on the monitor.

To some extend, children succeeded in replicating an office atmosphere for their father. In less than an hour, I received multiples call for tea-break from them as though my colleagues invitation for a break, conducted random checks whether I’am really working or simply browsing, pulled the chairs as I stand and even complaint about any work distractions to the acting line manager – Wife.

When the clock ticked to 4:00 PM, the elder son poked on the shoulder as though factory sirens indicating the end of the shift. Summing up chats, phone calls and keystrokes that filled up my day, then came his conclusion about my job – “Pappa, how come you earn this much salary for such an easy job?”

“He probably doesn’t know that working from home no way represents the actual work in the office,” I consoled myself amid laughs from soulmate.

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