Healthy Spouse Relationship

Healthy Spouse Relationship

Spouses in healthy relationships cherish each other’s space and are champions of each other’s causes. I’ve put together ten ways to make dramatic improvements in the spouse relationship. God bless you!

Accept individuality

Mirror imaging would be a great idea to keep a healthy spouse relationship. The concept is simple. Imagine your spouse as your mirror image. Same as you, they too have feelings, good mood, bad mood, likes, dislikes, agreements, disagreements. Finally, say no to all kinds of stereotypes.

Ensure personal space

Personal space never ends at the start of a relationship. Instead set to intensify. Humans need to refresh their and longing for an occasional escape from daily chores. Allow your spouse to take a break from routines. It’ll bring miraculous results. Take your kids to the park while your wife watching TV or allow your husband to roam with friends or watch a movie with them

Be Caring

Pay utmost care to your partner. Treat them royally above any of your business and personal engagements. Carefully listen to their health concerns even if it’s small and arrange necessary medical support. Hold them in your heart and stand by them during problems. Empathize on them. No place for ego. Reserve winner’s stand for them.

Give Freedom

Give them full freedom. Don’t forget that your role is partner, not caretaker. Controls spoil good relationships; freedom cherishes it. Freedom is not just limited to decision making about themselves, but in sexual life, family, children, etc. Let them fly like a butterfly.

Give Surprises

Surprises will go a long way. It has the potential to re-energize your spouse. It’s easy to add a surprise element to, otherwise, an ordinary scene. Next time, gift smartphone for your partner differently. Buy one, change SIM overnight, place the phone in bag covertly, call your partner to give shock before you both burst out of laughter.

Be considerate to their relations

Humans value relationships. Great partners contribute to each other to flourish the other’s relationships. Be it with parents, siblings, old classmates, or colleagues.

Praise them

Not flattering. Identify positives in your partner and highlight them in front of others whenever you get an opportunity. Your repetition, eventually, creates a better impression on others and in yourself. BECAUSE, it’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. HURRY UP!!!

Rediscover honeymoon period

Yeah! new members are added to the family. Still, you should work out for private time. Nothing impossible. Why don’t you plan a day trip without your children?. Let them spent a day with their grandparents. Or else plan late-night driving when kids are sleeping at the back seat. Sound great, right?

Let them chase dreams

Chasing dreams keep frustrations away. Incomplete dreams and aspirations sow desperation and depression in life. 

Be magnanimous

Last but not least. Learn to forgive mistakes and free from petty resentfulness. No one is perfect. Immature behavior anticipated from your partner on the journey. Keep in mind that resurrecting from problems is essential for success. Moreover, pay attention to partner’s viewpoint before any making conclusions from an incident.  

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