Swimming – more than a sport

Swimming – more than a sport

My excitement had culminated when effortlessly floated in the water. Coordinate delivery of catches and pulls along with flutter kicks maneuvered me through the shallow end of the swimming pool while every breath outside of water exposed me to the wrath of the summer sun. The Rhythmic movement of limbs excited body muscles and water droplets seep through goggles obscured my view. Undoubtedly, I was enjoying every bit of it.

Swimming is not just a sport. It activates all parts of your body, strengthening muscles, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, gifting you very refreshing after bath experience. Having inhabited in a place surrounded by two-thirds of water still you don’t know swimming?

Human anatomy designed with greater flexibility to adapt to any system in the earth, and their adaption to water is no different. Thanks to Almighty GOD, who created us beyond perfection. Not many activities like swimming demand rhythmic body parts coordination and calculated movements.  Floating in the water surface requires the entire body system function as a single component, like the delivery of a beautiful song by an orchestra. Any disharmony warrants distasteful results.

Unlike many other sports, the benefits of swimming are many but listing only a few important ones:

      1. Wholesome body exercise
      2. Strengthening your muscles
      3. Excellent breath control
      4. Excellent cardio exercise
      5. Cognitive improvement
      6. Improve body flexibility

Tips for learning swimming

The two keys to learn swimming: Patience and practice. Master yourself on three techniques: Float, Breath & Glide. That alleviate the fear of water and gifts you great in-water experience.

Those who cannot afford a professional trainer, try out the trainer’s trainer: Youtube. Use the below keywords in the search window for watching online training sessions from many best teachers all around the world.

Freestyle swimming – Flutter kicks – Freestyle Swimming Breath control – Flip turn.

Float –

Tip: Keep your body flat while swimming and hold only adequate air in the lungs.

Floating your body above the water obeys the law of physics. Flat objects float more in the water as compared to sharp ones, and the same goes to objects having buoyancy as compared to lower ones. A good swimmer has to keep the body flat most of the time in the water to reduce unwanted energy lose to keep body in the water surface.  Maintaining one of your palm flat just below the water surface while performing catch and pulls is as crucial as keeping your body straight most of the time in the water looking straight down at the bottom of the pool. Similarly, the buoyancy of the body dictated by the amount of air inside the lungs, and thus controlling air intake to lungs helps to float in the water without an imbalance from head to toe.  More air in the lung lower your lower part of the body, while less air exhaust you quickly.


Tip: Exhale under the water and inhale above the water.

Maintaining your head inside the water all the time except for breaths helps to maintain the body just below the water surface all the time. If you keep your head above water, it increases the drag and exhausts your energy in a short period.  Breath out inside the water and breath in outside of water enables you to maintain your head inside the water.


Tip: Don’t struggle. Just glide.

Glide your body through water using continuous delivery of catch and pulls with the help of flutter kicks that move you forward in the water. Rather than fighting the water, allow your body to glide inside the water to reduce drag.


Swimming is an art demanding coordinated movement of your body parts rhythmically, same as delivery of beautiful song by an orchestra.  It is recommended to concentrate on individual areas instead of trying to improve all at once. Endurance and proper style is rather more important than getting pace. You can improve this skill quickly when practicing on a daily basis under an instructor or by self-learning. BEST OF LUCK.

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