Muttering Moguls

Muttering Moguls

Aging is natural.

But, this natural transition abundant with surprises one couldn’t have imagined. Therefore, unfolding events in elderly life could be overwhelming to an average person. While circumstances greatly influence the well-being of older people, don’t ever belittle one’s control over their destiny. 

That is to say, individual choices in the past do matter to remain calm, cheerful, caring, and loving on the verge of life. On the other hand, in part, you’re responsible for a nervous, depressed, bullied, and hateful elderly life. We’d get to that soon.

If at all solution exists to pursue a healthy elderly life, is it a one-fit-for-all solution? The answer would be a No. Because, many other external factors like culture, geography, and even religious traditions, shapes your life. 

In this case, the best approach would be to learn from other’s experiences; observe the life of elderly persons around us to understand the mantra for a peaceful and trouble-free life. For the same reason, ensuing sections nothing short of my own experiences with few elders around me.

Charismatic Moguls

During childhood days, encounters with older adults exposed me to either end of the spectrum – both exemplary and fragile human beings. At one end, some appeared very delightful and helpful. At the other end of the spectrum, many others swamped up by vengeance, quarrelsomeness, and self-worthlessness.

Regardless, to me, most of them were charismatic moguls who possessed great wisdom, valuable memories, and tit-for-tat strategies. And above all, great conversationalists. 

Solitary confinement

At some point in time, the fast-moving world would start ditching all your efforts to cling to ever-fascinating life. In most of the case that comes involuntarily as you lose yourself to enduring pains from illness, if not, the hearing or vision senses relinquish its ability to time-cycles.

When you become less and less important in the world, self-respect can sow a venomous seed called depression. Eventually, that seed may become a full-grown tree absorbing the remaining energy from the soul.

Surely, certain things in this world are fixed and unchangeable. Neither the world ever gives up its swiftness, nor could you escape from aging.

But, you can change yourself to face an ever-changing world. 

Rather than approaching a crucial period in your life without any preparation, plan it well. With early planning, you not only enjoy retirement life but also brings happiness to the people around you. Again, as mentioned earlier, customizing according to circumstances is paramount important for effectiveness. 

Fine-tuning one’s character

What has appeared normal in adult life would be disruptive at the dusk of life. For example, people around a hot-tempered young adult would pay little attention to that bad character trait or simply ignore it. They may be ready to spare considering that person’s pivotal role in family and society. However, in later life, when the situation arises to depend on others for even physical needs, the same traits would be a boomerang that severely damages the relationship with caregivers.

With a sheer determination to change the life for good, every young adult has to learn, to convert a foe to friend, beat turbulence with silence, conquer intimidation with patience, stay tolerant to criticisms, healing effects of unconditional love, and shrug away indifference. 

Follow your passion

The importance of developing a passion stems from the fact that professional skills do little or nothing at the dusk of life. Moreover, you might be bored with routine work or that particular skill set obsolete by the time of retirement.

Having a passion, on the other hand, usher you towards an improved life. It could be anything enjoyable like reading, embroidery, gardening, stitching, or fishing. Rather than its relevance, whether you find real happiness is more important.

Following passion would help you to rise against all the odds in older life, cross any difficulties and devastation with more easiness, be it the loss of soul mate or ill health.

Sticking to one’s passion not only pass the time but also makes their life more meaning-full. And in the long run, resulting to a confident elder-adult. 

Build an everlasting social circle

Abundance matter little. What matters the most is how strong relationships would be. And not necessarily be restricted within your family but anyone who could positively impact your life.

Surely, a last-minute attempt wouldn’t bring such companions out of anywhere. As such, excellent relationship maintenance skills necessary for everlasting companionship. As you will see in the future, those folks, who secured a place in your well-wishers, stand by you for goods and bads of later life.

Beat the age

So, the path to becoming charismatic older moguls lies within you. 

With a little bit of early planning, turn your life to ever greener rather than losing the charm at the end.

Financial stability is necessary. 

But, working out for financial security shall not undermine the necessity of emotional well being as secure elder life without peace of mind equivalent to an emperor lost in the desert. 

In the brink of life, nothing helps a person stay happy and positive than the good character traits, passions, and strong social bonds. All these qualities are equally important as financial stability to have better elderly-life. Lets work for all of them.

2 thoughts on “Muttering Moguls”

  1. Jisha May 8, 2020

    Nice article about the inevitable phase of life👍

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