

What is minimalism?

I typically answer with a short, simple explanation: “An individual who intentionally trying to live with only the things he/she really need.”

No doubt above definition pose no warning, rather inspiring. Average minimalism attracts great fanfare. But extreme minimalism can be dangerous at times.

Expression of minimalism

What would have been your response when someone portrayed your entrepreneurship dream as greediness to money? Pretending as your well-wisher, the adviser might invite your attention to inherent risks. Not to mention, you probably warned of exchanging a stable life with an uncertain future.

Though it’s quite natural to have such advice from close people, ascertain the original intention first. Surely, honest opinions deserve gratitude. If not, It’s not only shattering your dreams but also deterrent to the economic growth of your society.

But in many of the cases, clearly, it is just manifestation of minimalist attitude. From a minimalist’s point of view, investing your time and effort into building new business won’t yield the desired result other than acquiring material fortunes. For them, Insignificance and inefficacy of material wealth is a matter of concern. Before being lost in bewilderment, you spent some time to find out probable psychological reasons and motives behind such an attitude. So you’ll be better positioned yourself to deal with this situation.

Born minimalist

       Minimalism is sometimes inborn. Some children exhibit minimalist behavior during childhood days. Be it toys or clothes; they get immense pleasure when hiding things instead of scattering around them. It slowly shifted to room furniture and other room decorations as they grew older. Such people find no happiness in abundance.

Acquired minimalist

     In this case, people acquire minimalism, mostly through their parents and role models. For example, the chances are very high that a person rejects the idea of becoming a billionaire if his parents were critical of wealthy people. By this time, he might be started advocating for a comfortable life than concentrating on acquiring wealth. That means childhood training from home changed his perception about life and wealth creation that would’ve been opposite if he/she is born to a wealthy business person.

       Let me give another real example of acquired minimalism. During a casual discussion with a relative of mine, he unequivocally stated that his daughter would go to a local school where classes taught in the native language instead of English. He emphasizes that exposure to local school would help the daughter to become a better person.  I raised eyebrows as English can give an edge in their later studies and job interviews where the local language seldom used. Moreover, English is one of our official languages. Apparently, being the son of local school teachers, he rejected the whole idea. It is worth to mention here that the conditions and facilities of local schools in our area aren’t as good as private schools and sometimes inadequate. As he still sticking on arguments, minimalism should also be influencing his decisions to some extent.

How to recognize dangerous Minimalists

   1. Relentlessly question an idea until proponent gets demotivated and dumped; otherwise a life-changing idea.

      2. Always argue for a risk-less undertaking for a smooth and better life.

      3. Exhibit very high self-esteem more than they deserve.

      4. No place for your arguments

      5. Character traits like laziness, procrastination, easy-going mentality, etc.


Average minimalism poses no threat. But in extreme cases, minimalism obscures your vision leading to wrong decisions. Mulling on advice is always good.  But before you make a decision based on their input, please make sure the adviser isn’t an extreme minimalist. That’s all.

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