Living a life abide by universal principles

Living a life abide by universal principles

Life is simpler than we think. It is the decorations in one’s life that make it complicated. When someone is overly worried about materialistic wealth and social status, it chocks their inner self. Their life will eventually be converted to a mechanical one, ultimately failing the particular individual regardless of material wealth earned.

Look at the life of children. Nowhere have we seen such happiness, joy, and peace of mind than in our children. How simplistically they do things. They crack many problems with simplistic ideas rather than taking any pain. Neither do they worried about the future. As a result, they are emerging as the most joyful human being unless an adult meddles with their life.

Children teach us an important lesson – just because not complex solutions always solve difficult problems, simple solutions can have the same or much larger positive impacts on everyday issues, be it in life or work.

The main advantages of simple solution are easily perceivable and firmness of your belief on it.

A good example would be conflicts between couples after marriage. Rather than finding out ways to get around the family conflicts after it had started, recalibrating your interactions before beginning the new life would be effective. Is that Easy?

Not really. Primarily because of the difficulties to understand the expectation of your spouse before beginning the life, and thus pre plans may not return expected results, however precisely planned it might be. Secondarily, the whole bunch of solutions to tackle each problem might be very confusing.

Will there be a better approach in this case?

Drill down to one single idea, which may have many different manifestations. We are coming to this point soon.

Many newlyweds approach life seriously; even the one who had been living a cool life before the marriage. They might have prepared well enough to avoid indulging in any conflicts that could have serious impacts to the rest of their life. But, without having a precise idea of what could be done, they might eventually fail as a universal principle did not guide them.

Going forward with such a conventional approach, one has to pay attention to various encounters with the spouse, such as giving respect, paying attention to their feelings, individuality, etc.

Now let’s bring out the universal principle that governs good relationships. That’s none other than personal freedom based on mutual respect. Wherever personal freedom is respected, there come fruitful relationships founded by love and care.

Marriage life is just one example that illustrates the effective use of universal principles.

Adhering to and firmly believing on such universal principles tremendously improves our ability to solve complex problems in our life as all other potential solutions mostly converge on them.

Next comes two great examples.

Hard work and Positive energy

These two are mostly encouraging but frustrating and confusing at times. They can be of great help in our life although most of us overlooked the real benefits of it especially when we are being driven by short team benefits of our actions.

Let’s take hard work first. We may not be able to get the results of our hard work all of a sudden. It may take its own course. But believing on the principle that hardworking is just a discharge of energy that can never be destroyed would be really encouraging to do more work to achieve what we want because why to be worried on looming failures as you believe the impact of your hard work stays there forever and never go wasted.

Similarly, when positivity considered as an energy disseminated from an individual’s good thoughts and deeds that can easily be sensed by the other individual during their interactions, old perceptions towards strained relationship will get changed. If you think your friend or boss behaves arrogantly, introspect yourself to see how that invisible layer of positive vibes works in your favor to improve your relationship with them because positive energy is not something that comes on the fly. It has to be there around you beforehand in the form of days-long positive thoughts about the person right before you.

Limiting External interference

Upholding universal principles in our daily affairs may also reduce the external influence that is ambiguous most of the time. Although it is quite natural to develop a kind of sensitivity towards the external world, it is equally important not to lose ourselves to its implications.

Firmness in your decisions is just one byproduct of abiding by universal principles. Why because you strongly believe that the universal principles won’t be changed even if there are some temporary setbacks. More importantly, it largely reduces the mist around your perceptions.

Abide by nature’s principles

Simplicity is inherent to nature. Be it the earth orbiting around earth or birds flying over the sky. Having a complex brain at your disposal does not mean that you should always think in complex manner.

That’s is to say, abiding by universal principles never go wrong. You will see the results sooner or later.


Although it is difficult to derive small set of universal principles out of daily affairs given that not all of us are get used to that, continuously observing the world around us would be the key.

This practice is no complex than working out a hypothesis to find evidence to prove that it right. However, applying those principles in your present-day life will lead to bold decisions and easy solutions to ostensibly complex problems because nothing could happen in the world defying universal principles.

It not only helps you stay as prudent but also encourages you to stick to your decisions ignoring any external influence.

Now time is on to start searching for universal principles—best of luck.

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