Exercise, Everyday, Everyone

Exercise, Everyday, Everyone

Daily exercise is still dream for many. While we all well aware about benefits of exercise, instilling the habit in daily routine is an insurmountable effort. Try to asses the situation by answering following personal questions.

How many times you have registered in the GYM but stopped in less than a month?

Thinking of going exercise hurting you?

Did you miserably fail in several attempts of resuming exercise?

Have you ever dreamed of going the gym every day without interruption?

Do you want somebody looking at and telling  you that you transformed?

If your most answers are YES, get ready to triumph over feelings with your willpower and high motivation. Rather than limiting exercise to GYM workout and  jogging, redefine your common perception about training and seize every opportunity to transform our daily physical tasks to small workouts. It’s ironical that a person reluctant to get out of the comfort of the couch for TV remote but spending an hour in the gym for workout. Instilling this habit in our daily life is not a herculean task as previously thought, hard work and little patience will do the work.

3D formula for endurance

Desire: Strong desire drives through difficulties and attains goals. Interlink your desire to ultimate life goals. If someone’s life goal lies in business success, try to interlink this goal with exercise like I need good health to run my business successfully. With this methodology, elevate your desire to the next level.

Daily: Without any doubt, repetition instills habits. Repetition holds supernatural power to instruct your mind. Visit your GYM regularly, more than three months,  without any long break until it hard-coded to the brain.

Dollar: Dollar stands for rewards. Rewards carry motivational elements. Build your body. Undoubtedly, praises of your friends, family, and colleagues move you forward.

Typically, a combined effect of three Ds propels you forward as you walk towards your dreams. Absence of any one of the factor weakens the entire cycle that introduces unwanted drags in your routine until completely drop it.

In addition to the above three critical factors, the below factors also help you to nurture GYM workout in your daily life.

Time: Choosing an appropriate time slot for your GYM workout safeguard yourself from any external distractions that otherwise thwart your daily plan. Your family responsibilities can crush evening GYM workout plan as you got a pediatrician appointment only in the evening, so better schedule your workout in the morning time where such distractions occur very rarely. However, choosing a suitable time slot is very much personal.

Workout Attire: If you wear something you look good in,  your mood goes way up. Purchase good workout attires and a pair of conformable sports shoe suitable for workout. Buy a handful of them and keep changing it. You’ll wait for workout time.

Workout Place:  The ambiance of workout place and variety of workout equipment certainly inspire you. Active peers and good trainer encourages workout and reducing boredom. Accessibility of workout place from your location rather very important as commutes to GYM every day, eventually turn in to nightmare.

Open to different exercise: Excessive workout in the same environment creates boredom. Switch to outdoor activities after few days of GYM workout, swim the next day, then come back to the GYM.

Persuade others: Encouraging others and list out the benefits of workout whenever possible as the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief.


“Exercise” – Elevate your confidence, Encourages and Energize you the whole day. Take a bold decision and do your best to retain the habit and harness benefits. Best of luck!. 

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