Do Good, Feel Good

Do Good, Feel Good

In some special moments of past, your blissful mind could have attained serenity and peace showering immense pleasure upon you. Enthralled by the sudden inflow of feelings, you might have felt the utmost happiness followed by “I feel good” discourse implying a residue-free soul.

Can you remember specifics of such moments when thinking back in time? You must have at least one, but no wonder if there are many. 

Benefits of feeling good 

Feeling good – as a result of an emotionally graced mind – enfranchise from worries and desperation and deeply engross to yourself. 

With all the imperfections of life, you become the embodiment of purity, love and care. Although disruption can break-in anytime, to retreat to normal life, inevitably, carry-forwards would help you face the world with an enhanced smile.

Above all, Feel-Good impeccably satisfies your desire to free up otherwise always preoccupied mind. Having caught up by intricacies of the external world, such journeys are absolute necessary to revamp your soul. No doubt about it!

How do you feel good?

As you go back to memories, nothing that you could deduct other than a special day in which everything had worked in your favor to be ecstatic. But little did you realize that those were self creations.

Despite having command control over personal well-being, you would prefer others to bear the liability of bad times, disproportionate to their involvement in what’s happening inside of you. This approach would only obscure the real problem and delays the necessary response to cure it. Moreover, such behavior indicates your incompetency to deal with a 90-percent personal matter. 

Truly speaking, seeking happiness from others equivalent to chasing your own shadow. Neither of them could give you a chance. Each one of us capable enough to produce feelings necessary to relax and feel happy, but don’t let them trap inside. Instead, radiate them out to get it reflected with higher intensity from the people around you. Rather than holding others entirely responsible for good feelings, we should start to believe in this radiate-reflect principle of happiness.

Of the many external factors enhancing your mood, we’ll only discuss a few common to most people.

Warmth relationships – with life partners, family members, friends, and colleagues – set the ground for feeling good. As long as the soothing effect of others’ feelings and actions is working on us, we’re ready to experience tenderness of heart. As it’s your behavior towards someone are reciprocated, you can’t take it for granted.

Having character traits impacting relationships – contentious, critical, and egoistic – getaway your chance to attain a clutter-free mind that is reinvigorating and rejoicing. Gearing up for establishing a flourishing relationship with others, we have to develop a sensitive approach in our interactions. This kind of sensitivity born out of an ability – Empathy. Being empathetic means understanding others’ feelings and responding to them in the same way as expected or a level beyond. 

Free from your busy schedule: People are smart enough to list thousands of reasons for being busy. It could be heavy workload in the office, business meetings, and various other commitments. However much you may value and justify your tough schedules, you will get nothing out of them unless you keep aside quality time for retreating yourself. 

Incidentally, I reminded about an interview with a businessman published in a weekly magazine. Of many verbal exchanges, the most attractive part was the time table that gentleman had been following to perform his duties, both as a successful business figure and as a great family person. He starts the work at 7:00 AM and returning home around 6:00 PM, keeping the leftover hours only for family.

Such ideas would yield tremendous results. Rather than following a mechanical life and chasing material wealth, give flesh and blood to the life because humans without much decorations of external world are mostly succeeds in pursuit of happiness and peace. 

Gratitude and Charity: Both leads to an incredible experience. They soften our hearts to experience tenderness and are interrelated because gratitude culminates in charity. While gratitude enriches our heart, charity emboldens it. 

Feel good – an untapped potential

Although the remote control for good-feel stationed in our hands, many of us would pass it to the people around us. But, how can you blame others for the lack of happiness if you choose not to be?

In one hand, complexity is the inherent nature of the human body in which the brain is inordinately complicated. On the other hand, the elasticity of our minds helps us to triumph over those complexities. So, train it always to discover at least a reason to stay happy.  

Happiness never dries up. It may have buried under desperation and depression. With little effort, we could find it back.

Though deep and sound personal relationships, we can reduce interference from the external world. Living among the people with great positivity won’t be that difficult as most of them just reflect your feelings towards them. 

Empathy is key to lifelong happiness. Being sensitive to others’ feelings, you automatically fills your surroundings with great positivity. Good luck.

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