Live your life inside a bubble

Live your life inside a bubble

One might wonder why someone has to live inside a bubble that is synonymous with isolation and narrow-mindedness. Another question pops up: why do people restrict themselves from the freedom that the universe has bestowed on them?

Barring the literal meaning of the title, nowhere in the article promotes solitary confinement. Nor does it encourages anyone to stay inside the safety of a bubble as a way to avoid the challenges ahead. Instead, it just proclaims the benefits of living inside a bubble in certain circumstances that can potentially damage your life. How and why will be discussed soon.

Although this topic applicable to any kind of close relationships, it is more relevant to newly wed couple who chose to have a successful life path. Ever since both took the oath to live together, the struggle begins to remain committed through the rest of the life against all odds. It is their duty to strive through the huddles to remain intact.

A strong foundation of married life lies where two individuals glue together after setting common goals among them with a strong resolve to do everything possible to achieve them.

However, in the first few years of married life, hiccup, disagreements, and dislikes pop up – natural frictions due to adjusting with the new environment. But still, those minor wounds could bleed, taking its own time to heal.

Although those wounds are capable of healing by themselves, external influences during this period can mess up the things only to prolong those conflicts with a dangerous stake on its healing capacity.

External influences

There could be many external forces worried about your life, no matter whether you are interested. They kept on banging on your door for an opportunity to indulge in your matters pretending as someone who could solve.

When you forget the fact that only you have control over your life, ineffective rather destructive suggestions rains down from others having a perspective confined to their own personal experiences.

Bubbles wraps around you

To save you from the dilemma and wasting your time mulling over the contrasting opinions from society and not losing yourself to them, better never let them influence on your decisions related to your life.

That may be practical by building a thin bubble around you and your sweetheart fortifying your life from indistinctive chatters and silly emotional blackmailing.

A bubble, however, neither represents an overprotective life nor can it be translated to selfish life confined to a nuclear family. On the other hand, the thin bubble reinforces the importance of your close family members and society while ensuring your external interactions doesn’t cause any damage to your personal life.

This above concept originated from the idea that among all the intricacies of marriage relationships, only family problems triggered by external interference lack self-healing capacity due to its stealthy nature.

How a bubble works for you

A self-protective layer wrapped around you and your sweetheart disintegrates any attempts to penetrate your life. Being aware of the existence of a thin wall between you and family and your gatekeeper role to protect the integrity, there is minimum assurance that you do not carry the heavy bag of misinformation and scarring propaganda and which has a potential to damage the chemistry between you and partner, especially in the first few years of the marriage.

When checkin back to your family space, get rid of all stains that could corrupt harmony within your family by embarking on a strict cleanup process.

Otherwise, forfeiting the above rules could undermine your family life as though you entitles others to have a say in your life.

Similarly, the same rule applies when checking out from the bubble to face the audience outside. Maintaining a high level of abstraction with the outside world would help you discourage unnecessary attention to your matters.

Life is too short…

The life is too short to solve the problem arises from lack of awareness and learning from experiences. Securing our life from external interference would pay large dividends. When you are in control of your life, your are far from any internal conflict masterminded by an outsider.

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