Change is intoxicating

Change is intoxicating

A major impediment to personal growth is not knowing when, why, and how to change for breaking one’s comfort zone for the betterment of life.

Despite good changes in our life are phenomenal and “intoxicating”, the slow pace of leaving the status quo to embrace the change, complacency factors, and hangover from ephemeral successes are a quite few distractions that each individual has to contend before tasting success.

Losing your inherent charm to busy life

Prudence and nimbleness are two characteristics that can be lost anytime during the course of life; a reason for being too late to realize that your life would have been much better with a different approach.

Totally ignoring any life events that often points to the need for a rework in your own life can be a hindrance to get better off with time. This mostly happens to an individual who becomes too insensitive to the surroundings to understand that something has been going wrong over the past few months if not years; largely attributed to busy life.

When diminishing self-accountability erodes the retrospective nature, your inner mind tricks you into complaining about circumstances for every problem you face rather than taking the blame, at times, on you. You will find many justifications to prove you are right to make the matter worse.

Gaining escape velocity

Breaking the cocoon comes with a price because accepting a change can challenge your own self-image and ego. However, as you start mining the benefits of those paradigm shifts, instilling them in the rest of life would become super easy.

Another hindrance to our change is the natural tendency to hold someone else responsible for all mishaps in your life. That could be the worst of all as it obscures your role that leads to your current life situation.

Think about how cash-strapped individuals further weakens the chances of survival by blaming others for exonerating themselves from any wrongdoing. They don’t understand that they should change instead of changing others in which they don’t have any control because bringing the change within is a sure bet.

Few thoughts on Change

The need for a change is largely obscured from your view. Primarily because the absolute necessity of a change is realized only after the real change is happened. Put another way, the essentiality of the change will be observable only after it is implemented in someone’s life.

It is futile to change others for what you have been enduring in your life because the cause and reason for every problem is ultimately boils down to you. Only you are responsible for your life situations; no one else.

Time for a change is when you expect change in others. Be it a small or big change, the outcome would be impressive and life changing.

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