Lessons from Corona

Lessons from Corona

Corona pandemic sweeping the globe has now raised to the level of the biggest humanitarian crisis. Being a highly contagious submicroscopic agent and infectious to respiratory system, the covert virus may well be outside of any epidemiologist’s predictions and continue it’s rage a few more months until the wind start blowing in favor of our direction.

But, it certainly would be worthwhile to contemplate how different would have been the world if we acted more responsibly and thoughtfully a little earlier. How come a virus brought this world to a standstill? What specialty does this tiny virus have that many countries, regardless of their economic condition, putting an enormous struggle to contain it? And the last question disturbs you more. Is it a human-made catastrophe in terms of controlling the spread?

Is Corona infected to our minds as well?

Besides revealing ill-preparedness to such virus breakout, poor handling of a pandemic exposed corrosion in our society where many undesirable personality traits of the past is an accepted norm of today. None of the human advancements effectively protected us from this catastrophe because C-O-R-O-N-A has infected not only the body but minds as well. In the prevailing situation, we would have been better off without Cynicism, Overconfidence, Recklessness, Opportunism, Narcissism, and Arrogance.


The thin line between facts and lies ceased to exist as the country, where the virus outbreak began, allegedly suppressed the news. Owing to the strategic position of that country in the world business, it didn’t that long to spread beyond its borders. Similarly, mistrust among the nations intensified as the gap between them widens to disbelieve even early warnings about the virus from infected countries; another contributing factor to ongoing crisis.


In the current political arena, temporary gains encourage some politicians to give false assurances to their people. Detached leaders, unaware of ground realities, downplayed the virus threats lead to weaker responses from the community. A few days later, whoever discredited threat warnings grappled by the contagious virus.


Some countries handled the pandemic recklessly. Consequently, they challenged precautionary warnings and, in some extreme cases, social distancing measures perceived as an attack against civil liberties. Eventually, when the situation gets out of control, we saw them resorting to apologies.


In the initial days of broke out, victimization trended. Head of a state unleashed derogatory comments against one country from which the virus has originated. Instead of combating the common enemy together, political divisions subjugated him.


Aggressive nationalism destroys harmony among the nations, thereby weakens their joint responsibilities during troubled times like the current virus breakout. 


Head of a state juxtaposed the virus name with a country name with an obvious intent to shame an entire nation and hurting the feeling of its citizens. 

Little or no preemptive measures at the beginning of the crisis highlighted the complacency among nations. Despite having first-class medical facilities, some countries hard hit due to overstretched hospitals and lack of ventilators.

Glimpse of hope

World response to Corona pandemic evoked admirations as well. 

Closed borders, however, allowed safe passage of cargos carrying essentials. Countries extended support to the President who doctrine ‘My Country first’ slogan. Cuban doctors marched to Italy on humanitarian grounds. A 90-year-old Coronavirus patient died at a hospital after refusing a ventilator sacrificing her life for young patients. And the list is growing still. 

A Post Corona world

Of all the adversities, we’ll learn some good lessons at the end. Ongoing efforts to control the virus may well be on the verge of success. But cleansing the contagious agent alone wouldn’t guarantee a safer world unless we get rid of C-O-R-O-N-A clutters from us.  

In this connected world, no country would ever be safe by merely protecting their interests. As foreignaffairs.com wrote, “failing to defeat the pandemic abroad undermined a country’s ability to get it under control at home.” 

Safer world means a much safer country. Let’s work for that. 

One thought on “Lessons from Corona”

  1. I dont know if Trump’s problem was actually over confidence. But he really down played it. And he must have influenced millions of Americans for sure. And these all ended up like a zombie war kinda situation in US. And the most sad part is Trump is still behind some scapegoats.

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