How do we stay happy?

How do we stay happy?

She always highlights my faults. But seldom try to correct it more than once. And never pecked on my previous mistakes.

She stays calm when I am angry — and blasting out when I cooled off.

I try my best to cover-up her weaknesses. She does the same.

We follow 50/50 formula in family decisions. From experience, our individual decisions have gone right around 50 percent. Then combined decisions can bring it to 100 right? Or at least 90?

We never shared personal matters or issues with others. If we can’t come to a consensus, we move on with one belief – time can cure everything.

Personal freedom actually freed us from each other’s dominance.

We recreated college-model friendship in our married life.

Backbiting altogether avoided though it increases verbal fights that sometimes gets out of control.

We reciprocated each other for creating a positive image among friends and family.

Honest opinions helped each other to identify many blind spots during interactions with society. This ability has many-folded over time.

Our main binding force is gratitude.

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