What their gene talk?

What their gene talk?

In the last several months, the tiny room inside the detention center never gets darker than his mind. After ‘escorted’ to this place, nothing had happened that make him even the slightest bit of happy. Now he lives a life as if no life exists beyond the stoned-walls – It’s a dead-end.

In the skinny body, only the heart grew heavier as it holds the pain of transition from the life of ambitions to a graveyard of hope. The prison-like room marks a tragic end to an illegal migrant’s struggle for a piece of land in the Mother Earth.

Humanity turned its back when he stripped off from the very fundamental right – The right to live. When the society acts as a mute spectator, his dignity crushed under the harsh migrant laws of ‘own’ country.

His heart sank at the memory of his wife and children who forced to live apart in the nearby camp. Finally! After tossing and turning in the bed for many hours, he slipped to sleep.

It must have been well past midnight when he woke up from sleep with a bone-breaking pain. As the blood pressure level increased abnormally, he was almost near to collapse. Suddenly, a tiny earthworm-like species came out from the nerves and began to talk, ‘Dear master, I couldn’t hide when my master is going through the worst period of his life.’ It was a gene from his own DNA with a round head, double-stranded body, and a long tail.

‘Who’re you? What’re you doing here?’, master questioned the uninvited guest in a noticeable annoyance. Clearly, the master was not at all interested for any conversation.

Border walls

Nevertheless, the gene continued the one-sided conversation, provoking his master further. However, the fury was short-lived – How could someone completely ignore their gene.? Moreover, the depth of the gene’s knowledge impressed the master, in particular, knowledge of past events. Gene showed the human history as ‘migrant’ master curiously watched the life of his father and mother, grandfather and grandmother, great grandfather and great grandmother, and all ancestors.

In the entire journey with a gene, ancestors appeared walking freely all over the world until the last few centuries. On the move, only one factor influenced their choice of land- the promise of a better life. The border walls, barbed wires, and emigration checkpoints were mostly absent from view. On the final leg of journey, the gene stopped at a scene of building border walls around a country. Surprisingly, the masters’ great grandfather was at the forefront of this construction.

‘Then, why should I ended up in the detention camp for not being inside the same border, which is built by my grandfather?’, the master asked gene politely. Unlike before, body language has now become soft and more receptive.

‘You have no-fault,’ gene replied with a gentle smile. ‘Your father pays no attention to prepare necessary documents to prove your citizenship while working hard to meet both ends of his life,’ gene continued, freeing up master’s father from any accusations.

Backward travel

‘Would you be interested in returning to forefathers to identify the real identity of the so-called `natives` of the land who expel you?’, the gene utilized this opportunity to gain masters’ trust. Without waiting for the master to answer, the gene started reading DNA to travel back in time; backward travel in search of a common father, to identify the only link to reach to natives who criticize his citizenship dreams.

‘Thousand years back, their forefathers migrated here. Ironically, your pedigree who reached here 2500 years back earlier than theirs supposed to have more rights on this land’, gene completed this sentence with trembling voice that signaled helplessness.


“I don’t care about my life. But, what is going to the fate for my children and grandchildren? ” Gene’s master utter this sentence with a deep sigh. For the first time in the conversation, the gene noticed the fear and accumulation of water drops in the eyes of the master. Unmoved by the pain of master, the gene appeared very confident on the advanced knowledge from magical powers and utter these words with all necessary voice modulation as if a sage predicting future.

“Humans are resilient to overcome the perils of life. You will never left alone in the middle of sufferings. Surely, new generation will come forward to speak against the injustice to you and alleviate the suffering of people of similar fate, and unite the entire world to think above the borders, skin color, language, and religion.”

Upon completion of this prophecy, the gene said goodbye to the master before disappearing back to veins for recording the events that would ensue. His master – the `illegal migrant’ – saw the ray of hope and believed that one day he and his family would be escaped from this ‘prison’ to live a life with dignity…

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