Resemblance between Religions

Resemblance between Religions


Human history inextricably intertwined with religions. Religions realized through humans, but unfortunately, overtook them later. The essence of every religion is in ultimate submission to superhuman controlling power.

In the current world, bigotry and narrow-mindedness blinded believers of all religions that nurtured fanaticism. But, as a neutral onlooker without any prejudice, you’ll see more look-alike than differences. Don’t think? No problem. Just see similarities in the following sections before you utter dissenting opinions.

An unconventional definition

Religion – A framework carefully orchestrated for personal success based on a simple, but effective, reward-punishment model. Either you follow instructions for good or be ready to get severely punished, as simple as that.

Put aside prejudice. Our visions tend to seem opaque otherwise. When we look from a different perspective, we can see things in a new way, understand them better, and comprehend them easily.

Similarities of religions

Birth of religions

In most cases, holy verses revealed to a single person in solitude and then spread across the world due to its divine power. These revelations rarely happened to the public. The commonality is very much observable in the choice of places like caves and forests. Tranquility prevailed in those places.  Agitation and noise attract no godly words.

Extreme meditation

An Individual’s meditation in a calm and peaceful atmosphere leads to revelations from supernatural power. Later, these revelations recorded and compiled them to book(s) to guide generations to come. Most religions share the same history. Similarity does exist here as well.

Early rising

Early rising has received great importance in religions. Even though the firmness of teachings varies in degree across religions, Morning Prayer is an integral part of it. Rather than listing out benefits of this ritual, religions infuse it to our daily routines as demand from Almighty God in return for his creations in the universe. How will you be able to ignore the presence of Morning Prayer in dawn in most of the religions?

Verses complexity in Holy books

In many cases, verses of religious texts are difficult to comprehend. Various reasons include contextual unawareness, the imperfection of sentences when translating from original language to another language, and readers’ lack of understanding of the culture at that time. Regardless, it strengthens our resemblance theory. None of the holy books easily comprehensible.

Evil and good spirits

If I modify Tagor’s powerful statements about religions to suit in our context, we can say that all religions teach that two opposite forces, good and bad, act upon us and that the human endeavor consists of a series of eternal rejections and acceptances of it. Religions warn us of the existence of evil spirits around us and educate us on different ways to overcome the ill effects of this spirit. Is it just coincidence or clear proof of similarity among them? Judge yourself!


Religions share a similar history in many areas, right from days of inception. You can’t just turn a blind eye to the above facts. Bigotry retires at the understanding of resemblance.   They expressed differently, but lead to the same destiny. Religions urge you to follow the path of virtue for the defeat of evil spirits. Harmony, peace, and love are shining diamonds that make religions gorgeous. Since religions are interlinked and inbred offspring of another, they must cherish one another.

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