My Fight for My Personal Freedom

My Fight for My Personal Freedom

“WAKE UP. It’s already ten o’clock. Don’t you know that the sunlight start falling on your head?.

Grandma’s chants not at all bothered me and as usual I was adamant to stick my “good” habits. Leaving bed early is unthinkable since life considered worthless without that sleep. As per law-of-bedroom, gravitational pull towards bed in the morning was much stronger than other four forces of nature. Respecting behaviors of electromagnetic waves, grandma’s sound waves created ripples inside the house inspiring other family members to hang on same subject. Within the safety of my bed room in first floor, I realized that the situation in ground floor getting out of control as it is already reached at father’s ear who do not afford any disturbance to his daily morning routines.

In order to avoid risk of involving father in this fragile situation, my MOM send her messenger(my bro) to remind me of the dire consequences of my choice. Bro delivered the message clearly while ensuring safe distance between my bed and his standing position avoiding chances of once sided fist fight. Even though I was annoyed at the sneer smile on his face followed by the delivery of message, I took myself control this time by covering remaining face with blanket. My fight for personal freedom comes to end when I dragged down to ground from bed by DAD snubbing my repeated pleas for little time extension :(.

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