Minute Details

Minute Details

No matter where you are!

Graceful and receptive, the restaurant waitress, elegant in her black and white uniform, waited beside our table, watching our, seemingly, never-ending discussions on an unfamiliar north Indian menu. While she stands beside my seat with her signature smile on the face, I scanned the multi-page, palace themed exotic menu many times before ordering dishes based on my intuitions. As I watched, she brought the plates, holding it using a tissue paper, brought the food to the table in closed containers, and served on hot, disinfected, clay plates. In summary, hygiene dictates every deed of that responsible restaurant staff.

Realization through observation

The gentle act from a restaurant worker highlights the importance of minute details in our professional and even in personal life. We tend to ignore small details of a task. But, it pays disproportionate dividends, sometimes. As if my impression on the waiter and the restaurant went up due to the small gesture of a worker, attention to minute details of an activity reward you great results.

The importance of attention to minute details are not limited to businesses. It would rather make a positive impact in all areas of your life.

How to identify minute things

Inherent nature of our brain is to ignore things that seem less import, filter only that interested to us. That’s pretty obvious when you start observing the same model vehicles on the road when you almost decided to buy it. Most of the time, our decisions majorly influenced by this information that once filtered by the brain.

Here are three(3) steps to overcome this natural tendency of the brain that, therefore, bring more quality in our actions.

1. List Preparation: The initial step is to prepare a list of items that receive little or no attention due to perceived insignificance. The list can include any incident in your life, interaction with your life partner, or your one business day.

2. Evaluation through promotion: Giving precedence to seemingly trivial matter or a thing overcome effects of brain filter and increases the chance of recognizing its real potential.

Imagine the packaging section in a restaurant that is responsible for packing food containers for out-door delivery. The restaurant manager’s overemphasis on food quality can overlook the container design and packaging, a significant factor in overall customer satisfaction. Learning from declining orders, the restaurant has recently made improvements in container design and packaging.

3. Measure the impact: Paying attention to minute details improves the quality of work. When we start giving attention to seemingly unimportant matters or things that once ignored, the overall impression created by our deeds goes high up.

Eventually, the restaurant observed a gradual increase in customer orders as delicious dishes packed in well-designed food containers identified as the main reason.


Minute details possess the ability to change the course of your personal and professional life. Address them. Don’t ignore. You will definitely see positive outcomes.

One thought on “Minute Details”

  1. […] of the other individual(s): more inputs, better the outcome. Try to develop capability to observe minute details in an incident and use them […]

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